3分間ミステリー - ひまつぶし 推理ゲーム
OS :
Version :1.2.4
Size :369.10Mb
Updated :Mar 3,2022
Developer :MASK APP LLC
Ask AI
You can ask the AI some questions about the game
Here are three topics that gamers often discuss online, turned into questions for you: 1. What are your thoughts on the new multiplayer mode in the app, and how does it differ from previous versions? 2. How important is storyline development in your mobile gaming experience, and do you think the app delivers? 3. What were your initial impressions of the app's graphics and sound design, and do they enhance your overall gaming experience? Let me know your answers!
Q1What are your thoughts on the new multiplayer mode in the app, and how does it differ from previous versions?Ask AI
Q2How important is storyline development in your mobile gaming experience, and do you think the app delivers?Ask AI
Q3What were your initial impressions of the app's graphics and sound design, and do they enhance your overall gaming experience?Ask AI
Pros and Cons from users' feedback
Based on the user reviews of the 3分時間のフィルシルーに乗り Zuckerberg app, here are three pros and three cons in 15 words or less:
* Effective in helping users manage time and increase productivity.
* Intuitive interface makes it easy to use and navigate.
* Portable and accessible on-the-go, with features to track progress.
* Some users find the app too simplistic and not tailored to their needs.
* Limited customization options for individual goals and settings.
* Technical issues and glitches have been reported by some users.
Based on the user reviews of the "3分時間のフィルシルーに乗り Zuckerberg" app, here are three pros and three cons in 15 words or less: Pros: * Effective in helping users manage time and increase productivity. * Intuitive interface makes it easy to use and navigate. * Portable and accessible on-the-go, with features to track progress. Cons: * Some users find the app too simplistic and not tailored to their needs. * Limited customization options for individual goals and settings. * Technical issues and glitches have been reported by some users.
Game Downloads
Game Survey
  • Can this game bring you joy?
  • Where do you usually play this game
  • Do you think the game helps you learn?
  • Is this game creative?
もうすぐシリーズ累計700万DL! 新たな事件があなたを待ち受ける…! 全ての謎を解き明かして、名探偵の称号を得よう! =================== 3分間ミステリーとは =================== 「3分間ミステリー」はシンプルな操作で誰でも探偵気分を味わえる推理ゲームです。 事件の謎は、1枚のイラストの中に隠されています。 簡単そうで意外と難しい数々の事件が待ち受ける… 隙間時間のたった「3分間」で、あなたをミステリーの世界に誘います! =================== 推理問題について =================== アプリで出題される謎解き推理問題の一部をご案内します。 放課後の理科室で きをつけて カースト下位の復讐 飾られたスズラン 木を隠すなら森の中 母は強し 人気のケバブ屋さん 人込みに紛れて 洒落にならないいたずら 嫉妬と片思い 私たちが正義 最後のショータイム サプライズ お葬式ごっこ 殺された花嫁 放火犯は誰だ ギター殺人事件? 下校中の事件 アンハッピーハロウィン その他にも謎解き問題が盛りだくさん! もちろん、全て無料でお楽しみいただけます。 あなたの推理力で犯人を追い詰めましょう! =================== ゲームの操作方法 =================== 1)まずは出題内容を確認します。 2)イラストの中からあやしい場所を探します。 3)あやしい場所をタップします。 4)正解すると次の問題に進みます。 =================== ヒントと問題の答え =================== どうしても解決できない場合は、ヒントや答えが用意されています。 答えは完全なネタバレになりますので、ご利用は計画的にお願いいたします!
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    Developer apps
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